The aggressive tax policies of the government of Nigeria are hurting the economy of Nigeria so badly and should be reviewed.

We have written articles on this topic in the past because we care about the welfare of the people of Nigeria and would want the government of Nigeria to review its unfavourable tax policies towards the people of the country. There are so many different taxes introduced by the government of Nigeria, which is hurting the economy and the people of the country so badly. We would like to remind the government of Nigeria that the different taxes introduced without an adequate and functional production system are slowing down economic activities in Nigeria. Now hear this: there is nothing wrong if a government collects taxes, but before this is done, a proper production system would have to be put in place. We expect those advising the government of Nigeria to understand this simple logic. It has also been established that Nigeria is no longer conducive to operating a profitable business because of the security challenges across the country. Also, in Nigeria, there is no steady power supply, the cost of running a business is too high, and many more. All these put together contributed to why some companies are leaving Nigeria, which is a sad one. Again, we are appealing to the government of Nigeria to review its tax policies and make them favourable to all Nigerians, including those who are planning to come to Nigeria to invest their hard-earned money. The Viewers Corner News team would also plead with the government of Nigeria to stop listening to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) on how to run the economy of Nigeria because any advice they are going to give to the government of Nigeria is for their own benefits and not in the interest of the people of Nigeria. This is the truth; either you take it or you leave it.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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