The affirmation of Alhaji Bola Tinubu as president of Nigeria by the Supreme Court of Nigeria, despite his forgery certificate issues, is a cause for concern.

More tough times are ahead as President Bola Tinubu remains the president of Nigeria. The confirmation by the Supreme Court of Nigeria has caused problems in Nigeria and around the world. This is based on our findings. If a president who forged his certificate is leading a country of over 200 million people, it means that those investors who would like to come to Nigeria and invest would have to think twice before doing so. Nigerians living abroad would understand better how damaging it is to have President Bola Tinubu as president of Nigeria. But those living in Nigeria may not fully know how tough it is because they are living in Nigeria and do not have much to do with the outside world. However, we are calling on those Nigerians who may have lost hope because of the Supreme Court judgment concerning the election matters not to be distracted. One thing they should put in front of them is this: President Bola Tinubu is not going to be in office forever. Someday he will leave, and when he leaves, a great person can be elected to carry Nigeria to the next level. So Nigerians should be hopeful and always believe that, with God, all things are possible. It is a matter of time, Nigeria shall be great again.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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