It is true that Abdulmumin Jibrin, the suspended chairman house committee on appropriation may have made some mistakes in the past when he was in the House but since he has admitted it and has agreed to return the huge sum of money he allegedly collected illegally, we believe that he should be forgiven. He has named lots of members who got some share of the money through illegal means too, those individuals did not accept taken any money illegally as Abdulmumin Jibrin has allegedly mentioned. This group of people are the problems of Nigeria today because they are the real criminals and not someone who would own up to his mistakes and for any country to move forward, we should have this truth and reconciliation attitude right inside us to be able to create a good environment for development.
Look at Yakubu Dogara and his group for example, who were allegedly involved in padding the budget and still feel that they have done nothing wrong, normally such group of individuals should not be deliberating on national matters until all the allegations against them are concluded since they are not ready to apologize to the Nigerian people and change their corrupt ways. The same thing also goes to Bukola Saraki who is the senate president with lots of skeletons in his cupboard, right now they are still holding on to their various positions without showing any form of remorse in the alleged corrupt practices they committed. These are people Nigerians should watch out for and never be allowed to hold any sensitive position in the country (Nigeria) as long as they are not ready to change for good. Therefore the youths from Abdulmumin Jibrin constituency protesting for more sanctions against him should not carry the matter too far as long as he has realized his mistakes and ready to change for good. Again those youths protesting should please do that in an honest manner, let there be no manipulations of any type from Abdulmumin Jibrin’s opponents. Please protest when it is necessary, genuine protests are usually used to send messages across to the authority when the public are not satisfied by what they are getting from their leaders/representatives but with what is going on in Nigeria today, some opponents or an accused person would use money to buy the conscience of lots of people from their constituency in the country (Nigeria) to protest without the protesters knowing what they are protesting for. These big names as we call them are using cheap gifts to entice the masses so as to draw support for themselves. We (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) regard this attitude as selling one’s conscience which is not right, therefore we (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to everyone in the country (Nigeria) to be watchful and never allow most of these corrupt individuals to mortgage your conscience by asking you to come out to protest for them. Please only protest when you are convinced that your rights or the system of the country is broken or about to be broken, we should always have genuine reasons for carrying out any form of protests. Please do not allow the big names in the country (Nigeria) to use you for their own selfish gains.
It is everyone’s right to protest against any form of injustice in any democratic system of government, the people are the king makers and should be able to correct their leaders/representatives when they go wrong as long as is done in an honest manner. They are leaders/representatives because the people made it possible for them to be there and when they deviate, it is the responsibility of the people who voted for them to point out their mistakes when things start going wrong. This is part of what democracy stands for and that is the reason the whole world regard it as the best system of government. Yes it is, so let us keep to it and use the system to correct our corrupt politicians, surely it would do us a whole lot of good in nation’s building.

Source: Viewers Corner News.
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