Some senators of the Federal Republic of Nigeria would support the death penalty for convicted corrupt politicians of Nigeria who may have stolen trillions of naira, but not less than that.

After making it a law in Nigeria to have drug offenders killed, the Viewers Corner News correspondent in Abuja spoke with some of the senators of the Federal Republic of Nigeria who supported the death penalty for drug offenders. During their interactions, he asked them if they had ever thought of a death penalty for politicians who looted the treasury of Nigeria because such an offence is as bad as doing drugs. Most of them replied, saying that they are considering making it a law to put to death politicians who embezzled from one trillion naira and above. Now Nigerians would understand the deception of their leaders. So only when a politician steals more than one trillion naira can he be put to death. Our point here is that the people of Nigeria who are electing these leaders to serve them should choose based on integrity. Do not cast your votes for a politician who does not care about the welfare of the people of Nigeria. Again, the politicians are playing on the intelligence of the people of the country, which is so sad. Nigeria is a great country and has all the natural resources to make her citizens have a comfortable life, but because of greed and selfishness, the Nigerian politicians have subjected Nigerians to abject poverty, which is bad.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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