Information which our (Viewers Corner News) Portharcourt correspondent in Nigeria gathered recently revealed that some militant groups in the Niger Delta region of the country (Nigeria) have realized the good intentions of president Buhari’s government towards the region which we (Viewers Corner News team) have also been following for a while. The issue in the past was that those militant groups were misinformed by some of their elders and few interest groups within the region who never wanted president Buhari’s government to succeed because of their selfishness. Now hear this; under the leadership of ex-president Goodluck Jonathan of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of Nigeria, money was allegedly shared to some people within the Niger Delta region including few leaders who were destroying the oil pipelines as at that time. This should not have been so because such attitude undermines development and progress of the Niger Delta region. We (Viewers Corner News team) have also written articles in the past on this issue, however the good news here is that those militant groups have now understood the good works of president Buhari towards the region, hence they are throwing their support for him and his government. We (Viewers Corner News team) would also remind them that taking a peaceful solution is the greatest achievement on their part because they live in that region as Nigerians and the only way Niger Delta area can be developed is through recognizing the leadership in power which appreciates them by trying to give them attention and all the necessary things of life which president Buhari has already started doing in some areas of Niger Delta, not ex-president Goodluck Jonathan and his party (PDP) that would sell oil from the region and gave peanuts to few of the corrupt people in Niger Delta for them to be quiet. Honestly, this was the attitude of PDP/ex-president Goodluck Jonathan’s led government in the past and this has been the reason Niger Delta was ignored which those militant groups have now realized. Ex-president Goodluck Jonathan was a huge mistake to governance when he was leading Nigeria which is the truth and nothing but the truth. Now president Buhari who is not even from Niger Delta region is showing more support for the region which we (Viewers Corner News team) regard as upholding the spirit of one united Nigeria. At this point, it would also be fair to say that those militant groups and other youths within the Niger Delta region made the best decision to support president Buhari and his administration which we (Viewers Corner News team) believe would bring development and progress to the people of Niger Delta (Nigeria).
Source: Viewers Corner News.