Some government officials in Nigeria are calling for the regulation of social media after using social media to climb to their various positions. This is unbelievable.

It is only when a system of government is being managed by corrupt and incompetent leaders who do not want the world to know about their recklessness will members of such a corrupt system call for the regulation of social media. If the government is transparent and working to end the economic hardship that has eaten so deep in Nigeria, there is no way they can call for the regulation of social media. But because they are so scared that it may get to a point where Nigerians can no longer take it and do the unthinkable, they want to shut Nigerians down. We are saying to those wanting to regulate social media that Nigerians, both at home and abroad, shall continue to speak the truth by pointing out the failures of the government of Nigeria so that they can get things done the right way. The people of Nigeria are passing through severe economic hardship, while those in government are living like lords, undermining the masses of Nigeria who elected them to office, which is sad. The Viewers Corner News team would use this opportunity to plead with the government of Nigeria to listen to the cry of the people of Nigeria. The economic situation of the country is getting worse and needs urgent attention from the government of Nigeria. The insecurity across Nigeria is the worst; hence, we are appealing to the government of Nigeria to take a more aggressive approach to put things right.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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