Some French-speaking African countries have started a move to end French colonial taxes imposed on them for many years.

For so many years, France has been exploiting French-speaking African countries, and now the new generation of leaders in Africa says enough is enough. There shall no longer be exploitation of the resources of Africa. In the past, the Viewers Corner News team advised France to figure out a more acceptable way to handle the French-speaking countries in Africa because the new leaders of Africa are wiser and would not like anyone to take them for a ride. But France thought that it was going to be business as usual. How can France continue to collect from their colonies a huge amount of money worth 500 billion dollars annually? This is insane and should be condemned completely. This is the worst type of exploitation in the history of mankind. Now, the great leaders of Africa have risen up to end this inhumane treatment against some French-African-speaking countries, which is nice. The Viewers Corner News team would use this opportunity to call on other French-African-speaking countries that have been held backward to emulate the Niger Republic, Burkina Faso, and Mali so that they can free their countries from this terrible system.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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