Banks in Nigeria

Some banks in Nigeria are now scaring their customers. This unpleasant behaviour may destroy the good intentions of Nigerians to put money into their bank accounts.

One of the worst things that can happen to anyone is when you have all your earnings put into a bank out of trust, then when you decide to withdraw your money, you would be told that the money you deposited in your bank account is no longer there or half of it was used by the bank as a service charge and so on. Such would create problems for the owner of the money. This is exactly what is happening in some banks in Nigeria which is bad. The Viewers Corner News team is appealing to the Central Bank of Nigeria to mediate on this matter. There are guidelines that regulate how banks in Nigeria should carry out their operations so that customers’ money would be safe in the bank. We have seen so many Nigerians crying out that the money they kept in the bank is being taken by the bank. Sometimes, the bank tells you that it is charged for an SMS alert, and the banks keep on deducting money as they wish from their customers which should not have been so. We plead with those banks in Nigeria who are carrying out such deductions to rethink. Banks in Nigeria should play by the rules of the banking system. Again, if customers withdraw all the money kept in their bank accounts, it would create huge problems for the banks in Nigeria, so Nigerian banks should sit up and start correcting their mistakes before it is too late.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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