Some of these leaders in Africa are individuals with very low mentality and does not know what democracy is all about.  If they do,  a President will not be in power for over 30 years. This is a slap on democracy and the citizens of those countries and African Union are not doing anything to correct these terrible mistakes.
The constitution of these countries specifies only two terms in office for every President of 4 or 5 years in each term but some of these leaders have bent the constitution of their various countries to suit their selfish purposes which is very wrong.
If  you look at these countries, they are so backward. No reform has been carried out since they took over power, the citizens of these countries are facing lots of difficulties and very harsh conditions, still the leaders pretend that everything is alright in their various countries. Look at Burundi for example, fighting is everywhere and the President, Mr Pierre Nkurunziza has successfully completed his two terms as the President of Burundi as the constitution of the country specified. Right now, he has refused to step down because he has already tested the sweetness of that seat  so leaving that Presidential post becomes a problem and he has installed himself as the President of Burundi by manipulating the election result. What a shame!
What of countries like Angola (President José Eduardo dos Santos), Zimbabwe (President Robert Mugabe), Equatorial Guinea (President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo) etc. They all did the same thing and want to be in power forever. Recently, the Sierra-Leone President, Ernest Bai Koroma wanted also to change the constitution of his country so that he can contest another election.
Viewers Corner is sincerely appealing to all these African leaders practising dictatorship because we can not call that a democratic system of government to respect the constitution of their countries by stepping down when their tenures of office is over. They should respect the will of the people, this type of system is among the reasons why African countries can not move forward. Staying in power for many years and no development is made, why do they think that they will do better as they stay more than is required? It  will still be the same hardship for the citizens of their various countries.
Viewers Corner is suggesting that they carry out real economic reforms that will bring benefits to the citizens of their various countries, provide good medical care facilities, jobs for them, reduce or eradicate corruption in your country completely and always remember the citizens of your various countries that were under the sun for hours trying to cast their votes for you so that you can represent them nicely. They should come first before everything, respect them and work for them, this is part of what democracy and good governance is all about.

Source: Viewers Corner.

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