Cameroonian president

Some African leaders are disgracing the continent out of greed to remain in power forever. Cameroonian president as a case study.

The whole world has seen what happened recently in the United States of America during the Africa/America summit on how the president of Cameroon was unable to handle issues. It is not the fault of the president, but the fault of the people who keep on electing him to lead Cameroon knowing fully well that he is too old to be the president of the country. This system is also happening in other African countries which is sad. In most countries in Africa, out of greed and corruption, their leaders continue to manipulate their people, knowing fully well that they have nothing to offer to the people of their various countries. Instead of them stepping down and allowing those with the capacity to direct the affairs of their various countries, they decided to stay in power forever, which is sad. Some of these African leaders are too old and have health issues which can not allow them to perform their duties as presidents of their various countries. The Viewers Corner News team wants to inform African youths and others that the stagnation of Africa is due to poor leadership, so we urge them to always elect competent people to office. Those elderly leaders who are too old to perform their duties should be retired. Again, stop electing old and incompetent men to office. If they decide to contest any election, reject them by voting a younger and competent person to the office. This is the right thing to do for the progress of the country and the continent of Africa in general.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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