Viewers Corner News source in Riyadh informed us that Saudi Arabia authorities have agreed to help thousands of laid-off Indian construction workers who are stranded in the kingdom. According to the information, these worker were laid off due to fall in oil prices which forced most companies in the kingdom to cut their spending. Saudi Oger (a construction company) laid off about 7,700 Indian workers and other nationals from France, the Philippines, Bangladesh etc. due to the company’s inability to pay workers’ salaries for months.
Vijay Kumar Singh, the India’s junior foreign minister who met Mufrej al-Haqbani (Saudi Labour Minister) recently stated that Saudi authorities have agreed to intervene in the crisis to ensure that workers’ financial claims are paid to them. Saudi Arabia is the world’s highest crude oil exporter and the sharp fall in the prices of crude oil globally has forced the kingdom to reduce its spending.
Source: Viewers Corner News.