Viewers Corner News team in Europe learnt that the Ryanair cabin crew in Italy, Portugal, Belgium and Spain will go on strike on Wednesday and Thursday (25th and 26th of July 2018), forcing the airline to cancel 600 flights. According to the report, five unions are behind the strike and up to 100,000 passengers will be affected. Also the airline recently said that 90 percent of affected passengers have been transferred to another flights. Spain is the worst affected country, the strike will affect up to 200 of over 830 daily Ryanair flights to and from the country. The strike will affect up to 50 daily flights in Belgium and Portugal while in Italy, its flights schedule will not be affected according to the airline (Ryanair). Unions are demanding that Ryanair gives contractors the same work conditions as the company’s employees. Also that Ryanair staff be employed according to the national legislation of the country they operate in, rather than that of Ireland. Ryanair on the other hand, argues that its planes fly under Irish flag and most of its employees who work on board planes are covered by Irish law.
Source: Viewers Corner News.