We (Viewers Corner News team) quite agree with President Buhari’s government that to finance the country’s budget, certain measures would have to be taken by cutting cost. One of it is the removal of petrol subsidy which the people of Nigeria have been enjoying for years but with the situation of things in the world, in which almost every country of the world is finding way to assist her citizens maintain a steady balance due to harsh economic issues which covid19 brought upon people of the world, it is not appropriate for any government to add more burden to her citizens by removing subsidy on petrol and also increasing electricity tariff like we (Viewers Corner News team) are seeing in Nigeria. Such move would hurt the people of Nigeria severely. Now hear this; lots of countries around the world have reduced taxes paid by their citizens on most essential items pending when the economic situation of their country improves. We (Viewers Corner News team) also expect Nigeria as a country to do same for her citizens because covid 19 has brought businesses worldwide backward. In the past, we (Viewers Corner News team) wrote article on this topic and now we are doing so again. If the federal government of Nigeria can not finance her budget without removing subsidy as alleged, then we (Viewers Corner News team) suggest to President Buhari’s government to look within the country (Nigeria) for assistance. Our (Viewers Corner News team) point is; if you examine the budget very closely, there are so many projects in the budget that are not urgently needed. Such areas should be put on hold at the moment and the most needed ones should be implemented. Secondly, if you calculate the amount of money being spent on monthly basis for ex-military leaders, ex-presidents and their vice, ex-governors, Senators including other retired generals of the army and the police force of Nigeria, it runs into billions of Naira. If truly the federal government of Nigeria under the leadership of President Buhari is sincere and care for the welfare of the poor masses of Nigeria, they should make some cut from these areas we (Viewers Corner News team) listed in this article and in a short period of time, they would get money to finance their budget which is the truth. This is about sacrifice, it should not be only the poor masses of Nigeria that would be sacrificing to make Nigeria better, the rich ones in Nigeria should give back part of their earnings to the federal government of Nigeria so that the country (Nigeria) can grow. The money being spent on areas that are not needed is huge which should be examined properly by the federal government of Nigeria. Viewers Corner News team is appealing to President Buhari and his government to kindly find way to reduce the economic hardship Nigerians are passing through on daily basis because things are getting out of hand in the country (Nigeria).
Source: Viewers Corner News.