It is true that hard work brought China to the position the country is at the moment but that does not mean that the country (China) should use such as a privilege to humiliate Africans and other developing countries of the world because without the continent of Africa consuming what China produces, there would not be much greatness in China’s product dominance. Trillions of dollars are made by China from Africa on monthly basis which is the truth. Again, most products manufactured in China if not all are of very low quality, these products are being sold in Africa and other developing countries of the world where China is making most of their money. Recently, it was revealed to Viewers Corner News that Coronavirus test kits manufactured in China and shipped to most part of the world are faulty, that is China for you. They rush to produce everything in order to take advantage of the situation at any given time, to make huge amount of money but at the end, the product end up not serving the purpose it was meant to serve and those at the receiving point are countries in the continent of Africa. Based on this and other troubling issues coming from China, we (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to African leaders to use this Coronavirus period to reassess their dealings with China, stop borrowing money from China because the long run effect would be an unending poverty for everyone in the continent of Africa. If it becomes necessary that countries in Africa should borrow, then make sure that the terms of agreement is favourable. Somehow if you look at countries in Africa, there is no one that has not borrowed billions of money from China and where that borrowed money was invested are yet to be seen. It is either corruption has taken part of the money or the African leaders lack the ability to use the borrowed money wisely. We (Viewers Corner News team) are calling on leaders in Africa to look within their various countries and use the available resources they have to help themselves instead of relying on China for almost everything they need. We have seen lots of Chinese people calling Africans beggars and attacking them which is bad. Please Africans, prove to them (Chinese) that you have pride and are not beggars as they claimed.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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