President William Ruto

President William Ruto of Kenya has allowed the USA and the West to use him to destroy his country and his political career, which is very sad.

President William Ruto of Kenya is learning the hard way, which should serve as a lesson to other African countries and their leaders. We want to inform leaders in Africa who rely solely on the advice given to them by the United States of America and the West to govern their various countries that the time has come for them to desist from doing so. The United States of America and the West, who are advising African leaders, mostly on monetary issues, are taking good care of their citizens. They have a good welfare system that works better for the people of their various countries. But in Africa, such facilities are not there because of corruption and bad leadership. So if the West keeps on advising leaders in Africa to impose taxes on the struggling citizens of their countries whom the government does not support, then the sufferings would be too much for the people to bear. In Kenya and other African countries, businesses are not properly financed. It is the hard work of those business owners that is keeping them going, so if you create a tax system that is not favourable to them, then it would bring their businesses down, which would in the long run affect the economies of their various countries. Again, Africa as a continent has all the natural resources to make all the people from that part of the world have a more comfortable living, but because of the wrong monetary policies and the manipulative advice given to leaders of Africa, which they are blindly accepting, including bribes they are taking from the West for allowing them to tap from the natural resources of Africa, has been the main reason, the continent of Africa is backward. Now the youths of Kenya and a few other countries in Africa have taken the lead by saying enough is enough. Either the United States of America and the West do business on Africa’s own terms or leave the continent permanently, which is great.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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