President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea is one of Africa’s most terrible, corrupt, reckless, and dishonest leaders that has ever lived.

In Equatorial Guinea, by all standards, considering the population of the country, no one there should have known poverty. The president of Equatorial Guinea went to the United Nations, and during his speech, he asked the United Nations to give his country aid because there is poverty and hunger in Equatorial Guinea. Now hear our point on this issue: President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo throughout his stay for the period of that meeting in New York (United States of America), where the United Nations had its meeting, lodged in an exclusive penthouse accommodation where he paid seventy-five thousand dollars per night. This is a president who was asking the United Nations for aid to fix his country. Does this reckless attitude make sense? In our opinion, it does not make any sense at all. Again, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo’s son, who is the vice president of Equatorial Guinea, is a reckless spender. He lives like there is no tomorrow, buying very expensive cars, jewellery, and many more things, which is sad. His father, who is the president of Equatorial Guinea, has houses in so many cities across the world, and he has the audacity to ask the United Nations for aid. It is so shameful. The Viewers Corner News team feels so sorry for the people of Equatorial Guinea. President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea is not alone on this; most African leaders are also doing the same thing in their various countries. Hence, the continent of Africa has been reduced to a continent that begs for aid at all times. Instead of those corrupt African leaders reducing or ending their extravagant lifestyles and channelling the resources of their various countries into something good, they would prefer to be wasteful. Another troubling issue is that those who would have worked to make the continent of Africa great are not given the opportunity to do so because these elderly corrupt leaders have refused to leave office, and when they eventually leave, they hand over power to someone who will cover their dirty tracks. The only way to solve this terrible situation on the continent of Africa is through revolution. However, the Viewers Corner News team found out that some countries in Africa where the military has taken over the leadership are now doing extremely well. These are young military officers who have come to work for the betterment of the people of their countries, which is great.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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