President Putin and his country, Russia, are well liked throughout Africa. Russia has also shown real commitment and partnership towards the people of Africa, not because of any financial gains but because they want countries on the continent of Africa to be fully independent so that they can stand on their feet without any interference from the West or the United States of America. Russia is rich, just like countries on the continent of Africa, and they hate to see the resources of Africa being stolen by the West. This is the main reason President Putin is speaking out for Africa. Again, there are so many displaced people on the continent of Africa as a result of the war, which is being sponsored by the West, as alleged, that they would be stealing the natural resources of those countries in Africa. These are well-known facts that contribute to why some honest leaders on the continent of Africa are saying enough is enough. Again, when the Russia-Africa summit was held sometime ago in Russia, President Putin promised to send to Burkina Faso tonnes of wheat to assist the country’s food shortage, and he has just fulfilled the promise. But other Western countries that were in Burkina Faso for so many years before the military asked them to leave the country were busy extracting the natural resources of Burkina Faso and taking them away without thinking of the people of Burkina Faso, which is bad. Now France is out of Burkina Faso, and other countries are going to chase them out too so that peace can come to the continent of Africa.
Source: Viewers Corner News