Burkina Faso and Russia

President Putin of Russia does not need to wage war against France; he just needs to liberate French-speaking African countries, and the unexpected will happen.

President Putin of Russia is the new Don in town. He is a very smart and intelligent leader who knows how to get what he wants at all times. President Putin is in support of the recent changes on the continent of Africa. He wants all African countries to be fully liberated from their colonial masters so that they can start doing things their own way. Hence, he has come out to support such a great move, which France is not too happy about. If you look closely at what happened in French-speaking African countries before the military started taking over governments in those countries, you will understand that most African leaders are still working for their colonial masters. Recently, the military of those French-speaking African countries, which are mostly dominated by youths have seen the injustice being given to them by France; hence, they concluded that such injustice can no longer be accepted. This prompted a series of coups in some African countries. Now almost all the French-speaking countries in Africa have the backing of President Putin, which is great. France is the only country in the world that has refused to give those African countries that they colonized the full power to run their affairs without interference. We advised France in the past that the world is changing and the present generation of leaders in Africa are now asking questions, so if you do not do things their way, then you may be kicked out. Again, what France did to their forefathers and walked away with it cannot be repeated to them. But France thought that they could always eat their cake and still have it. Right now, all the French-speaking countries in Africa are moving over to working with President Putin of Russia. Even Burkina Faso has signed an agreement with Russia to build a nuclear power plant, as alleged, and after that, more developments will come. This is what France has refused to do for those French-speaking countries in Africa; instead, France resorted to looting the natural resources of various African countries. This brings us to saying that France’s existence is based on the resources of Africa, and now the game is over for France.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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