President Paul Kagame of Rwanda should end the asylum exchange agreement he has with the United Kingdom.

What happened to South Africa would be a child’s play compared to what would happen to Rwanda and the neighbouring countries if President Paul Kagame did not end the asylum exchange agreement he has with the United Kingdom. In many years to come, these group of individuals would begin to agitate to have their own country, right inside Africa which their original country would immediately support because of the benefits of what they were going to get in the long run since they know that the continent of Africa was blessed with natural resources. If such a request to have their own country is rejected by Rwanda, then a fight may break out. It may sound unrealistic, but that is the truth. Again, it may take a very long time to achieve this agenda, but certainly it will happen someday if President Paul Kagame of Rwanda does not put an end to this agreement. The United Kingdom should deal with their asylum issues and leave Rwanda out of it. Now hear this: if you examine carefully the story of South Africa, those white South Africans came as tourists to that part of Africa, and the people of Africa, who were so kind in nature, accommodated and accepted them nicely, but in the end, they took over South Africa and made it their own country. Those black Africans who are the real owners of the land became strangers in their own land, which is so sad. Another sad aspect of the history of South Africa is that during the time of the white minority rule, some of those black Africans who are educated started speaking against the white minority rule which got most of the black human rights activists killed by the apartheid regime, while some were sent to life in jail. This short story about South Africa should serve as a reminder to President Paul Kagame of Rwanda. The Viewers Corner News team is appealing to President Paul Kagame of Rwanda to end the asylum exchange agreement he has with the United Kingdom so that in the future, the issue of, if I had known, I would have done it differently would not arise.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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