President Paul Kagame

President Paul Kagame of Rwanda has become a sour taste in the throats of Africans and should be treated quickly before it gets out of hand.

We have written articles on this topic in the past, appealing to the people of Rwanda and the African Union to call President Paul Kagame to order. He should, as a matter of urgency, end the refugee relocation agreement he has with the United Kingdom. If not, in the future, the continent of Africa would become another war zone. So those who are close to President Paul Kagame of Rwanda should talk some sense into him so that he can take a closer look at the refugee relocation agreement he signed with the United Kingdom. Right now, everything seems to be going well, but what will come in the future may be too difficult to control. Again, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda should end the refugee relocation agreement he signed with the United Kingdom before it is too late.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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