President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana and President Ruto of Kenya are puppets of the West. Let the truth be told.

We are calling on countries on the continent of Africa to start reviewing the agreement they made with the United States of America concerning the military installations that the United States has in most countries on the continent of Africa. Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Accra (Ghana) revealed that the United States of America cannot be subjected to any searches, rules, or orders from countries on the continent of Africa, especially where they have their military installations. We have also seen this superiority attitude when the vice president of the United States visited Ghana sometime ago. The people of Ghana were screened by the United States law enforcement officers right inside Ghana before they could have access to the vice president of the United States. In our opinion, this is not right. No country can go to the United States of America or any country close to the United States to open a military installation and have it operated without following the laws of the United States of America. It cannot be possible; the United States of America can never allow it, but in countries in Africa, they have military installations that they operate as they wish without anyone challenging them. This system would have to stop; all countries should be treated as equal partners. The United States of America should allow countries on the continent of Africa to inspect and have full knowledge of what is going on in their military installations because they are operating on the soil of Africa. If they cannot abide by such rules, assuming they are given such an option, then the United States can leave the continent of Africa. Again, the laws of every country should be obeyed and respected because they are sovereign nations, and no country, no matter how sophisticated it may be, should look down on other nations. It is absolutely wrong to do so. We would also call on President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana to stop playing on the intelligence of the people of Ghana and stand firmly like a president. Stop relying on the United States of America and other countries in the world for aid. Work out a plan that will make Ghana grow and move to the next level. The Viewers Corner News team is also calling on President Ruto of Kenya to stop playing a deceitful game; he should be sincere with the people of Kenya and Africa in general. Again, the Viewers Corner News team is appealing to voters in various countries on the continent of Africa to always choose wisely during elections so that puppets of the West will not be elected as leaders to lead any country on the continent of Africa.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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