No United States president has ever visited Angola because the leadership of the United States of America believes that they can stay in the U.S. and issue orders to get what they want from any African country. But then, such a master’s system is fast fading away. Africans are wiser now, and with the assistance of other world powers who are friends of Africa, the manipulations and commanding tones are no longer too visible. We believe that in the near future, countries on the continent of Africa will have full control of all their mineral resources and will be able to carry out transactions as equal partners with any country in the world, which would be great. Now hear this: as China banned the export of some precious natural resources to the United States of America, the United States has started making plans on how to get these precious mineral resources from elsewhere, and it is believed that only China and the Democratic Republic of Congo have these natural resources; hence the United States president’s visit to that region of Africa; if not, he wouldn’t have gone on such a visit. This is based on our findings. We would use this opportunity to plead with countries on the continent of Africa to use what they have to get what they really need by working closely with countries that treat them as equal partners and not the other way around. The time has come for countries on the continent of Africa to take centre stage in the global economy.
Source: Viewers Corner News