Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Washington (USA) revealed that President Joe Biden of the United States of America is signing more executive orders to bring back what ex-president Donald Trump and his past administration did to hurt the country (USA) by creating more enemies for the United States of America around the world. One of such executive orders which President Biden signed was to unite various families who were separated under ex-president Donald Trump’s immigration policy. This is a great news to all the peace loving people of the world. The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world because of her great policies towards HUMANITY which the founding fathers of the country (USA) believed in and have made the United States of America one of the very best in the world but when Mr Donald Trump was elected to office as the president of the country (USA), he threw most of the established policies of the founding fathers of the United States of America into the trash box which President Joe Biden who believes in humanity and peace of the world is working very hard to bring back because that is the foundation for which the United States of America was built.
Source: Viewers Corner News.