President Diomaye of Senegal, who was duly elected by the people of his country, should choose his words carefully each time he visits a fellow African country.

It is not good to speak negatively against a leader of a country by another visiting leader, especially when such a leader is on a visit to a country on the continent of Africa. But then, on second thought, it is better to speak the truth. On his recent visit to Nigeria, the president of Senegal praised President Bola Tinubu, saying that “he can rely on his experience and wisdom to get things right,” knowing fully well that President Bola Tinubu came to office through fraudulent means. President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria rigged his way to power, which the whole world is aware of. It has also been established that President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria was a drug lord and forged his certificates. Even Nigerians did not know his real date of birth, among many other things. So how can another leader rely on such a president to move his country forward? At this point, the truth must be told so that other African leaders know who to take as their mentor, especially when it comes to leadership. President Bola Tinubu is not the leader people should copy because of his uncleared past records. We did not make up these words. They are all in the public domain for the world to see. What we have said here is the truth, so you can either believe it or leave it; the choice is yours.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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