No doubt about it that President Buhari’s administration is doing nicely on the fight to eradicate corruption in Nigeria which is very good because if he can be able to bring back all the looted wealth from some of these politicians that ruled Nigeria in the past then he can get a good beginning in terms of solving the problems which Nigeria is facing at the moment. Our concern on the other hand is his administration’s ability to turn the Nigeria economy to success where citizens of the country can gainfully be employed and be comfortable too. We believe his administration can do well but only if he can reassemble another good economic team that would advise him properly because our (Viewers Corner) international economic team with sound knowledge of economic policies, implementation, management and control has reviewed most of President Buhari’s economic policies and discovered that his economic policies are not so sound because he is following the economic system similar to some of those countries that practised such policies and later failed. Those countries pretended as if all is well but certainly not, so we (Viewers Corner) would not want President Buhari’s administration to be in that same category with those failed nations. Somehow, it is our (Viewers Corner) responsibility to guide, protect and point out to any country of the world about our findings. We believe that he is following an economic policy that is not so sound.
Again, Buhari’s administration can not afford to fail the Nigerian people that have trust and high hope that President Buhari would bring them out of poverty and that is why we would always do our best to put things right by assisting him and his administration to achieve success in Nigeria. Therefore, we advise President Buhari and his administration to follow the success stories of successful countries in the advance world that had nothing in the past after the world wars and now they are leading the world economically, financially and otherwise. Some of the countries he is looking at right now are not stable economically, the reason is that those countries ignored advice from various experts from their countries and also around the world. Now some of these countries know that they would gain from Nigeria and better their economy if they go into business with Nigeria, there is nothing wrong going into business with any country as long as it would bring real benefits to both countries but precautions has to be taken. We (Viewers Corner) are advising President Buhari again to please be watchful, another better way is to reassemble a new economic team like we have suggested that would advise him and his administration on economic matters. Certainly China economic policies and others in the third world countries may not work in Nigerian system, all what is required now is a new economic approach to solve these pressing economic issues. If some of the tips giving here and also in the past are followed carefully, Nigeria would be fine economically which would at the end create more job opportunities for the citizens of the country (Nigeria). We (Viewers Corner) are concern citizens of the world and care so much about the welfare of every individual world wide.
Source: Viewers Corner News, Germany.