We (Viewers Corner News team) have been following with keen interest the way Nigerians both home and abroad are reacting to president Buhari’s certificate issue. Honestly, in the past we (Viewers Corner News team) used to think that president Buhari has competent advisers in his cabinet but right now, it is very clear that most of them are not knowledgeable enough to be called advisers to president Buhari and they are claiming to have degrees from various universities around the world. They are not better than standard six certificate holders of the 40s, 50s, 60s which is the truth and nothing but the truth. If not, when the certificate issue came up, they should be in a better position to advise president Buhari of Nigeria on what to do. Again president Buhari’s credibility and honesty as a human being is greater than every certificate put together which those accusing him at the moment can never have.
President Buhari is a great leader and has gone to the best military schools around the world which is greater than all the certificates put together which makes him more qualified than those criticising him. The mistake president Buhari of Nigeria is making concerning this certificate issue is this; after saying that the certificate is with the military, he still went ahead to bring what he is holding now which Nigerians are referring to as a fake certificate.
If he had good advisers, they would have handled the matter differently instead of going to obtain this copy with question mark. No matter what happens president Buhari is going to be re-elected to office come 2019 because of his good works across Nigeria. We (Viewers Corner News team) would also use this opportunity to plead with president Buhari to seek advice from competent political advisers and economic planners to guide him on matters of importance. Based on that, we are recommending to politicians in Nigeria to seek advice on how issues of governance works. We (Viewers Corner News team) encourage politicians and others to visit this website (https://www.politicaladvisoryreachout.com) and see things for themselves.
Source: Viewers Corner News.