Bola Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria said that the 2023 election is the most free and fair election ever conducted in Nigeria.

This is the most dishonest statement the Viewers Corner News team has heard in a long time concerning election matters in Nigeria. If people with such a mindset are the ones directing the affairs of Nigeria, how can the country move forward? Even a blind man would understand that the 2023 election in Nigeria was the worst ever organized in the history of the country. So, for President Bola Tinubu and his camp, coming out to tell Nigerians that the 2023 election is the most credible of all elections ever conducted in Nigeria is laughable. The European Union observers were on the ground during the election, along with other agencies that reported that Nigeria’s 2023 election did not meet the standard required of any democratic system. We also believe that President Bola Tinubu and his government will do everything possible to remain in office. But then, the election petition tribunal is going to examine all the documents submitted by all the aggrieved political parties in Nigeria who believe that President Bola Tinubu rigged his way to the presidency of Nigeria. The Viewers Corner News team would also use this opportunity to plead with the judiciary of Nigeria to be on the side of truth as always.

Source:Viewers Corner News

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