This singular act by a noble woman (Ms. Onem Tyna Miracle) in Bayelsa state has placed her in the good books of the people of Nigeria. Ms. Onem Tyna Miracle, from Bayelsa state saw the pain that the people of her community were passing through each time they crossed that dangerous bridge to get to their destination. She was worried and told herself that this bridge should be fixed. Immediately her car loan was given to her, she decided to use the money to construct the bridge. Although some help came because the money she had could not complete such a project, but for the simple reason that she saw something bad and initiated the plan to fix it. It showed that if she is given the opportunity to move to the next level, she would not disappoint her people and the country in general. This type of individual is who Nigeria needs to put things right. Assuming such a woman is placed in a position of greater authority, she will undoubtedly perform well. Thus, the Viewers Corner News team is pleading with the Bayelsa state government to place Ms. Onem Tyna in a decision-making position that will bring development to the state. Hopefully she would do well.
Source: Viewers Corner News.