
Northern Nigeria is dragging the country backward with their hide-and-seek games over security challenges in that region of Nigeria.

The federal government of Nigeria should devise a more aggressive approach on how to end the insecurity that has eaten so deep across Nigeria. Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Abuja, Nigeria, revealed that over 200 Nigerians were recently abducted in Kaduna, a city in the northern part of Nigeria. This is so sad. It is time to put an end to these ugly problems. Those carrying out these kidnappings have taken it to be a lucrative business, and it has become the norm for them each time a president from the southern part of Nigeria is in power. They did it during ex-president Goodluck Jonathan’s administration. Now that President Bola Tinubu, who is from the southern part of Nigeria, is in power, they have come again with their tactics, just to make his government unpopular and also dent the image of Nigeria. We are therefore appealing to the government of Nigeria to take the kidnapping issues in Nigeria very seriously. Those kidnapped victims are human beings with families; the government of Nigeria should, as a matter of urgency, go after those kidnappers. We believe that there are so many big names in Nigeria who are sponsoring this ugly business. They may be highly connected too; hence, the Viewers Corner News team is calling for a more aggressive method to fish all of them out and have them punished.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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