Kim Jong Un of North Korea seems to be above the law and is regarded in his country as “lord” who makes no mistake, normally this is a young man who is supposed to act nicely but he is a man with different ideology and does things with impunity at all times. What he says stands in his country, recently the army chief of staff in his country (North Korea) was executed as ordered by Kim Jong Un. Viewers Corner reliably learnt that the army chief of staff, Ri Yong Gil was allegedly trying to form a political faction and also was suspected of having hand in corruption issues. This is not the first time such execution is taking place in North Korea. It is regarded as a normal exercise which means the rule of law does not exist there, only what Kim Jong Un says is what everyone in the country should do, this is not fair. Again, North Korea is also regarded as one of the most secretive countries in the world and has not been in good terms with his neighbour (South Korea) for so many years now, China is North Korea’s trading partner. Recently the country (North Korea) tested one of the world most dangerous weapons based on the information we received from our (Viewers Corner) Asia correspondent, however the test was not so successful and Japan has threaten to place sanction against North Korea for conducting such test. Our (Viewers Corner) opinion and suggestion on this is that we believe that every nation, every human being in this world has his or her own price, it depends on how the world would use what they have to tackle North Korea’s disobediences but only through peaceful means. We sincerely wish that China should assist other peace loving nations of the world to get North Korea to do the right thing and also he (Kim Jong Un) should respect and obey the God given rights of every human being. They should be no execution because the life of the human being you took away by force was not created by you (Kim Jong Un), this is wrong and against the law of God Almighty.

Source: Viewers corner News.        

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