The school feeding programme in Nigeria is a scam. A situation where one million naira will be spent and a receipt of over one hundred million naira will be collected and shared among those corrupt officials of the government. This is happening in every state of Nigeria, where these school feeding programmes are being implemented. There are lots of financial wastage in most states in the country. If Nigerians can elect honest leaders to office in 2023, who will manage most areas where these leakages are found, then the elected leaders will not have much financial difficulty in implementing their beautiful agendas that will bring benefits to the people of Nigeria. There are also none existing projects worth billions of naira that are allegedly included in the national budget of Nigeria on a yearly basis. Some corrupt Nigerian politicians added them there as alleged to defraud the government of Nigeria, which is bad. These leakages should stop if Nigeria wants to grow and move to the next level.
Source: Viewers Corner News.