
Nigeria’s future, beginning in 2023, is in the hands of all Nigerians if they can vote for the right person to lead the country.

The people of Nigeria, both at home and abroad, have seen, heard, and know the profile of most presidential candidates vying to become president of Nigeria in 2023. The ethnic group of any presidential candidate should not be an issue for the election, but competence and the capacity of the individual in question are what Nigerians should consider. The people of Nigeria need a leader who will fix the country so that it can stand out among the other great nations of the world. A situation where hunger and poverty would become history in the country. All of Nigeria’s resources to move the country from consumption to production are within the country, but the people of Nigeria are always electing bad leaders to office after every four years, which is sad. Nigerians are doing so out of ignorance, as well as religion and ethnic sentiment. If you look around Nigeria, most of those playing religion and ethnicity cards are most affected because their region is not developed. Insecurity is the other issue of the day and many more. Hence, the Viewers Corner News team is calling on all Nigerians to unite and vote for a presidential candidate who will use the available resources of the country to develop Nigeria. Do not allow some politicians who have been in power for so many years to keep on deceiving you. These groups of politicians are very selfish and have nothing to offer the people of Nigeria. Say “no” to them now and forever, so that a new Nigeria can begin in 2023. Nigerians, get your Permanent Voters card because that is what you need to change Nigeria for good.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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