Idris Wase


Without missing words, Viewers Corner News team shall never address Mr Idris Wase who is the deputy speaker of house of representatives as “HONOURABLE” because his behaviour shows that he is not one. A deputy speaker who can not hear a petition presented to the house on issue as important as that of the displaced indigenous Tivs who were driven away by terrorist Herdsmen from their various homes and are now living in refugee camps in their own country for so many years. This petition was written by Tivs in the United states of America, so that a lasting solution can be found for their people who are living in refugee camps in Nigeria. In the first place, Mr Idris Wase is not supposed to be in that position at all. With a man like Mr Idris Wase who is the deputy speaker of house of representatives, how can injustice of various sorts be eradicated in Nigeria? Viewers Corner News team sees Mr Idris Wase as a very corrupt lawmaker who should not have been deliberating on national issues because he does not have the capability to do so. Another point is that Nigerians in diaspora are among those contributing to the economic growth of the country financially and otherwise but someone like Mr Idris Wase who is an uninformed lawmaker would not understand that. This man has indirectly ruined his political career because somewhere in the future, he may want to vie for a higher position in Nigeria, then he would be reminded of his refusal to hear a petition presented to the house of representatives. In the past years, Nigerians in diaspora contributed trillions of Naira to the economy of the country, even in 2019, over 17 billion dollars was remitted to Nigeria by Nigerians in diaspora which is a huge win for the country. If you convert this figure to Naira, it is above 6 trillion Naira and the annual budget for Nigeria is a little below 11 trillion Naira. In our calculation, Nigerians in diaspora have contributed more than half of the annual budget of the country which is a plus for the federal government of Nigeria and it has been so for many years. Viewers Corner News team applauds the speaker of the house of representatives, Honourable Gbajabiamila for asking Honourable Mark Terseer Gbillah to present the petition to the house which would now be looked into and properly documented. This is exactly what Viewers Corner News team had expected the uninformed deputy speaker (Mr Idris Wase) to have done earlier instead of rejecting the petition. Viewers Corner News team is here to speak the truth which is the only way forward for Nigeria as a country, because knowing the truth and saying it would heal lots of wounds in the minds of most victims across the country which again we are encouraging all Nigerians to do, so that those in power would learn to get things done the right way.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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