Nigerians should not only be accusing the APC of destroying the economy of Nigeria without calling out the PDP, who did worse things by failing to lay a good foundation for Nigeria.

We cannot speak about the future without making reference to the past. This is called history. One thing the Viewers Corner News team has already learned about the people of Nigeria is that they forget about the past easily and blame the present for the problems that the past created. Now hear our point on this issue: if a good foundation was put in place, then those who would take over would be able to continue the good works. But when the foundation is bad, it becomes absolutely difficult to patch the leaking roof. Meaning that the damage done to the economy of Nigeria by the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria when they were in control of the country was huge, and that singular act is what the people of Nigeria are suffering till today. The Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria were in power when things were still good, and within that period, they should have made the foundation of Nigeria very solid so that whoever would take over the leadership of Nigeria would have a good starting point. Instead, the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria looted the treasury of the country, leaving Nigerians in abject poverty. Look at the ex-petroleum minister, Mrs. Diezani Alison Madueke, who stole billions of dollars that should have been used to put the economy of Nigeria in good condition. What about the billions of dollars that Nigerians are not aware of? It is so pathetic to see a great country like Nigeria in this mess it is at the moment. Those billions of dollars were shared among members of the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria, which is so sad. Another revelation was made not too long ago, saying that the ex-petroleum minister of Nigeria, Mrs. Diezani Alison Madueke, allegedly gave the current governor of Zamfara State some billions of dollars when he was the boss of a bank in Nigeria. So the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria is to be blamed for the problems in Nigeria. The impunity, corruption, intimidation, and recklessness of the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria when they were in control of the country were among the reasons Nigerians voted them out of office. So when President Buhari took over the leadership of Nigeria from ex-president Goodluck Jonathan of the Peoples Democratic Party, most Nigerians thought that his government would put things right because of his past great work as a military leader in the 1980s. Even though some Nigerians said that President Buhari ruled Nigeria with an iron hand, some Nigerians believed that it was the best method to bring sanity to any country that had gone astray. Now that President Bola Tinubu took over power, he continued from where ex-president Buhari stopped. Instead of doing the right thing, he began by spending Nigeria’s hard-earned money recklessly. The worst aspect is that the national assembly of Nigeria approves whatever bill gets to the senate without proper investigation to know if such a bill will be good for the people of Nigeria or not. If APC/President Bola Tinubu’s government does not come up with good economic plans and stop reckless borrowing and spending of Nigeria’s hard-earned money, they are certainly going to run the economy of Nigeria down. This is the truth; take it or leave it.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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