Mr. Julius Malema is among the faces of Africa. South Africans should elect him as the president of the country if they want to have economic freedom.

Some South Africans may not agree with our findings, which is alright. But it is the truth that Mr. Julius Malema and his political party (the EFF) are the only ones that can completely free the people of South Africa from poverty and economic bondage. This is based on what we know about Mr. Julius Malema and the EFF as a political party. Again, Mr.Julius Malema is going to work in accordance with the laws of South Africa to make the country great. Whether you are a foreigner or a South African, if you commit any offense under Mr. Julius Malema’s leadership as president of South Africa, they are going to apply the laws of South Africa as they should be, which is exactly what democracy is all about. We also believe that if the rules of law are obeyed and respected in South Africa, there are going to be changes. Mr. Julius Malema believes in equality of persons before the law, which is great. Hence, the Viewers Corner News team is appealing to the people of South Africa to elect Mr. Julius Malema to be the president of South Africa. If Mr. Julius Malema becomes the president of South Africa, there will be great changes that will bring progress to the country and, at the same time, improve the lives of the people of South Africa. Again, some South Africans who see foreigners as those coming to South Africa to take their jobs and also cause criminal activities in the country will have a change of mind and work towards unity.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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