
May God continue to bless and guide President Putin and his country, Russia, for all their good works on the continent of Africa.

Information has it that Russia has signed a military agreement with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is great. With this new deal, we believe that the Democratic Republic of the Congo will have a fresh breath of freedom and peace. The West and the United States of America, who are in that part of Africa, could not protect the people as they were supposed to; instead, they concentrated on illegally extracting the raw materials of the Democratic Republic of Congo for their own benefits, as alleged, while terrorists and bandits continued to cause havoc in those mineral-rich mining areas of the country. Now that President Putin has stepped in, we believe that, with time, everything will return to normal. Again, if the West and the United States of America had played their role properly in their dealings with the continent of Africa, the people of Africa would not be looking elsewhere for assistance, but since centuries ago, when the West and the United States of America have been operating on the continent of Africa, the people have not known peace. They exploit them, dehumanise them, and kill African leaders, including those who tried to challenge them, which is very sad.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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