LGBTQ is a new birth control pill. Africans and the world should reject it completely. Such an evil agenda is being promoted by those who are against reproduction.

Those men who think that they own the world and that they can manipulate the whole world, especially Africans, so that they can accept the LGBTQ agenda have nothing else in mind than to eradicate more than half of the population of the world, especially on the continent of Africa. We saw how the leadership of the United States of America and some of their allies are pushing this evil agenda towards the continent of Africa. The Viewers Corner News team is advising the people of Africa to reject the evil LGBTQ agenda because it is a method created by those who are pushing for a reduction of the world’s population. Again, those pushing for the LGBTQ agenda know that two men or two women cannot reproduce, and when this happens, then the world’s population will drastically be reduced. Hence, the Viewers Corner News team calls the LGBTQ agenda the new birth control pill, which should be avoided by all Africans. We are also calling on leaders in Africa not to sign the LGBTQ proposal into law. The West, which has its puppets in some countries in Africa, has concluded plans to have the LGBTQ programme introduced in schools across Africa; hence, we are asking the whole world to reject such a program. Now hear this: God created man and woman and gave them the ability to reproduce, so anything outside of this agenda, as some humans think that they can change the world by introducing the LGBTQ programme, should be regarded as evil and against the laws and teachings of God Almighty.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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