

Viewers Corner News correspondent in Tripoli reported that Lebanon’s energy minister Walid Fayad has announced the commencement of two projects in the country’s north to ease the flow of natural gas from Egypt. According to the report, Mr Fayad stated that the Egypt’s Technical Gas Services would begin renovation work on the pipeline inside Lebanon within days and the work should be completed in a little more than two months. This will boost electricity output while also expanding the country’s oil storage tanks. The Arab Gas Pipeline, which would transport Egyptian gas to Lebanon, has been resurrected at a time when Lebanon is grappling with a catastrophic electrical shortage. Before Syria’s 10-year crisis began in 2011, the pipeline has been out of service in Lebanon. Egypt has agreed to provide natural gas to Lebanon’s power plants through Jordan and Syria. The Syrian government is subject to US and Western sanctions for its role in the conflict, which has resulted in almost half a million deaths and disappearances, as well as the displacement of about half of the population. Despite the sanctions, the United States has backed the return of natural gas from Egypt to Lebanon through Syria. According to Labanon, the pipeline will provide 650 million cubic meters of gas to Lebanon each year to the Deir Ammar power station in the north. The amount would result in the generation of 450 megawatts of electricity, which will add three to four hours to daily electricity supplies. Mr. Fayad began work on the project to modify and construct new tanks to store oil products in the port city’s oil plant. In 2019, Lebanon agreed to upgrade and operate storage facilities in Tripoli with Russia’s largest oil corporation (Rosneft). Rosneft was given control of storage operations as part of the purchase.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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