Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Lagos (Nigeria) revealed that trucks and trailers plying Lagos state roads during the day have been banned. They can only move around in the state with their goods at night which is good. Viewers Corner News team applauds the Lagos state government for taking such decision. Trucks and trailers moving during the day time have caused lots of problems in Lagos state and Nigeria in general. Human lives were lost as a result of those trucks and trailers plying Lagos state roads at busy hours of the day and at the same time blocking free flow of traffic. Viewers Corner News team would also plead with vehicle inspection officers in Nigeria to always check these trucks and trailers plying Nigerian roads because majority of them are not road worthy and if any of such case is found, it should be banned completely from plying Nigerian roads. These unworthy trucks and trailers plying Nigerian roads are part of the problems of road accidents in the country which is bad.
Source: Viewers Corner News.