The interesting part of this case is the speed at which the prosecutor and the court are pursuing the case, now Nigerians are asking questions concerning this issue based on our findings, is this fair? Where is the freedom of speech which democracy preaches or is Nigeria practising a dictatorship kind of government? The Nigerian people and the world have been watching for months now concerning the issues involving the big names in the country (Nigeria) who allegedly ruined the economy of Nigeria, they embezzled trillions of Naira which is a serious offence when compared to what this man (Joe Chinakwe) who named his dog Buhari has committed. Though not so good at least he should have given his dog another name taking into consideration the nature and system of Nigeria but then those Nigerian politicians who looted the treasury of the country have been attending court trials and at the same time manipulating the system for quite sometime since president Buhari’s government took over and up till now, both the court and those involved in this massive looting of the Nigerian treasury have been dribbling the system which makes it very difficult to get a verdict since their case started, all Nigerians hear on daily basis is adjournment and now this man who just named his dog ”Buhari” has been taken to court within few weeks of doing so and also sent to prison till 19th September 2016 when the case would be heard. Our (Viewers Corner News) question is this, if the court in Nigeria can speed up a case such as this, why would the court not use this same method in prosecuting those who committed the worst crimes in Nigeria which is corruption? 
Viewers Corner News and the advisory team would advise president Buhari and his government to tread carefully because such issue may likely dent the good works his government is doing or intends doing in the country (Nigeria). If the court in Nigeria can work so fast by sending this man (Joe Chinakwe) to prison till September 19th when the case would be tried then the same court should use the same speed in getting a verdict either guilty or not guilty for the pending cases involving those corrupt Nigerian politicians who destroyed the country. Again adjourning cases that would have been decided long ago tells us only but one thing which is double standard and playing dirty in politics, this is a sin against God and humanity. Please let the rule of law prevail. 
Source: Viewers Corner News. 
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