Joe Biden and Mrs Hillary Clinton |
Viewers Corner appreciate and like these two great American presidential candidates, Mr.Joe Biden and Mrs Hillary Clinton, both of them are people of outstanding,
integrity and would lead United states of America nicely if only given the opportunity to do so. They would also show more concern to the world through diplomacy and dialogue. Viewers Corner is suggesting to both of them Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton to have a real round table talk and decide between them who should run for the post of the President of the United States of America and any of them that agrees to step down for the other should also assist the other to win the voters’ support. There should not be any power tussle between them because Democrats are people who believe more in diplomacy and dialogue, so they should keep the light rolling. The good thing is that both Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have real experience most especially on foreign policies and any of them who would rule the United States of America should be prepared to handle lots of challenges going on in the world through dialogue and diplomacy.
However, we are wishing both of them the very best of luck and whoever that wins the democratic ticket to run would definitely win because the possibility is there. The only strong contender who is campaigning under the Republican ticket is Mr Donald Trump and in the early stage of his campaign, he has made so much campaign blunders and this is likely going to hurt his bid to win the white house which is good for the Democrats but only if they organize their home well. Again, the Democrats in the past had good campaign strategist and now should be able to advise them on what to do, please always choose your words when campaigning and be modest about it. Your campaign strategist knows better on this aspect, please always listen to him or her.
Surely, Viewers Corner believes that the Democrat will retain the leadership of the United States of America.
Greg Emordi,