It was revealed in detail by some groups in the United States of America to Viewers Corner News team how most Nigerian politicians who led the country (Nigeria) in the past stole billions of dollar belonging to the country (Nigeria) and brought them to the United States of America instead of utilizing such huge sums of money to develop their country (Nigeria). Most of these Nigerian politicians in this category were believed to be educated as they claimed but in our (Viewers Corner News team) opinion, we regard them as individuals with very low mentality and have no idea of what governance is all about. Normally the first thing that should go into their minds would have been to develop their country (Nigeria), create jobs for the people of the country (Nigeria), change the face of Nigeria to look more attractive like those places they are running to each time they steal money from the treasury of the country (Nigeria). In months to come, Nigerians would be heading to the poll to elect their leaders, please Nigerians choose wisely by electing the right people to various positions. Most of those ex-governors who left huge debts in various states across the country (Nigeria) are now warming up to contest as senators of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Some of these ex-governors should be examined properly because they are bad news to governance, very corrupt and selfish individuals based on our (Viewers Corner News) findings. Please Nigerians, before casting your votes for such ex-governors assuming, always have a second thought by asking questions before taking a final decision whether to vote for such candidate or not. Also those lawmakers serving at the moment who may be seeking re-election should also be examined before casting your votes for them. Since most of them became senators of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, no project has ever reached their community through them.They are in the senate as YES YES senators working for themselves and their families alone.This is not how democracy works. However, we (Viewers Corner News team) shall name most of those dormant senators and also those with lots of skeletons in their cupboards who are thwarting the good intentions of the federal government of Nigeria from moving forward.This group of lawmakers are bad news to governance and should not be re-elected if Nigerians want the country to move forward. Honestly the success of every country in this world today depend solely on their leaders and how focus they are on issues of importance which would at the end bring progress to the country in question. Nigerians should focus on choosing leaders who are not corrupt, not selfish, leaders that have the spirit of one Nigeria right inside them. Nigerians should throw sentiment into the trash box and vote for integrity, honesty and hardworking leaders to offices and in no time they shall deliver nicely by putting smiles to the faces of all Nigerians.
Source: Viewers Corner News.