
Israel’s recent bombing of the Houthi rebel group in Yemen is as a result of the continued attack on Israel by Houthi rebel group.

The rebel Islamist group, the Houthi, has been terrorizing Israel with drone attacks and ballistic missiles for too long; it’s about time Israel stood up against these attacks. Israel has been sitting on the sidelines without retaliating while the United States and United Kingdom command centers help to intercept these attacks. The Houthi attacks have gone on and they claimed to stop only when the siege on the Gaza strip is stopped. They had sent multiple failed attacks on Israel, but on Friday, a drone was bypassed interception and attacked Tel Aviv in Israel; this resulted in one confirmed death and a few injuries. The Israeli government, in response, launched an aerial attack in Yemen against the Houthi; a total of six civilians were reported dead, and also the Yemen port for weapon importation from Iran was destroyed.

The attack was directed towards Yemen’s port, oil facilities, and power plant, hence crippling the Houthi rebel group. After all those ballistic missile attacks from the Houthi, just one brutal attack from the Israeli side was needed to silence them and make them shed crocodile tears of injustice. Yemen should let the sleeping dogs lie and be aware of the power Israel has as a world power. The Viewers Corner News team will like to advise the Houthi to abandon their operation and leave the fight to the Palestinians who started this open war.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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