The Islamist militant group, al Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the bomb attacks on Wednesday, 7 January near the presidential palace and other government buildings in Mogadishu. According to the report Viewers Corner News team got, the blast hit Sayidka junction, a security checkpoint near the presidential palace. The bomb attacks killed three people and wounded eleven others including three women. Al Shabaab said that the attack showed that the government has not fully secured Mogadishu’s major arteries. The Islamist militant group Al Shabaab has been fighting to overthrow a Somalia’s government for more than 10 years. On Sunday, 5 January, the group carried an attack on a military base used by both U.S and Kenyan forces in Kenya near the Somalia border and three Americans (one U.S. military service member and two contractors) were killed. Also on 28 December 2019, al Shabaab killed about 90 people in a truck bomb attack at a checkpoint in Mogadishu.
Source: Viewers Corner News.