Considering the political system of Nigeria and the nature of offence some politicians have committed, one would say that the only way out is to collect the money they stole and allow them to go free. This is the believe of some people in the country (Nigeria). Some said that even if they return the money they stole, a jail term should be given to them because they are very wicked and Nigeria being in this situation today is as a result of what they created. Their looting has caused malnutrition among the citizens of the country, families not being able to provide for their households and when people are sick, there is no better hospital in the country. Even when you have one, there is no money to pay for the services, salaries of workers are not paid. All these few points mentioned here led to frustration among the people of Nigeria while the politicians themselves who created these problems are living like lords and some have their families abroad with all the best facilities money can buy. Then after four years, they would come again in pretence asking the people to vote for them, that they would create all the facilities needed if they are voted into office once more. This is a continuous process used by Nigerian politicians to manipulate the voters which is wrong. They tell you what you want to hear but never kept to it, this however is scamming the general public in a different politically manners and the citizens who have been asking for a change in leadership would decide to vote for them because they have no choice.
We (Viewers corner) mentioned in the past that democracy is regarded by lots of people world wide as the best form of government where an elected leader is supposed to use the available resources in the country to create facilities that would better the lives of all the people of the country. Honestly this is one of the greatest aspects of democracy but most people these days believe that as a politician, the general public have created avenues for them to enrich themselves, no it should not be so. In as much as you are a politician, you are entitled to be comfortable, no doubt about that but your prime objective should be the welfare of the general public who voted for you to lead them instead of scamming them politically. They should come first and as a leader, you owe them that responsibility so if that is not done then you have failed in your task as a leader. Now the point we (Viewers corner) are trying to prove here is that some politicians do not know the importance of what politics is all about, this may sound very funny but it is true to an extent. Again this has nothing to do with the number of school degrees an individual may have from a university, no it has to do with conscience and how we feel about our fellow human beings. Would you like to see people in pains while you and your family would be the only one enjoying the best facilities within the country? No it should not be so but in Nigerian system, lots of politicians do not care about others. Their aim is to steal lots of money immediately they are elected into office so that when they are not there anymore, their families would not have anything to worry about forever but since the law has pushed some of those who have skeletons in their cupboards and they decided to return what they illegally took from the federal government of Nigeria then they should be forgiven. Also a strong apology should be rendered to the Nigerian public by these politicians who have decided to return the money they stole back to the federal government of Nigeria but if in the future, such act of embezzlement is committed then they should be sent to jail for a very long time.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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