In the recent close door meeting which ex-president Obasanjo had with ex-president Goodluck Jonathan in his country home (Ogun state), he (ex-president Obasanjo) allegedly said that ex-president Goodluck Jonathan is a great leader and that Nigerians should emulate him. Such statement has kept some group of people wondering in Nigeria, this is based on our findings. What is ex-president Obasanjo trying to prove this time when he allegedly made this statement? This is the man (Goodluck Jonathan) ex-president Obasanjo was not too satisfied with his past records as a former president of Nigeria, why this u-turn now? Again ex-president Goodluck Jonathan made lots of management blunders when he was leading the country (Nigeria), how come this same ex president Goodluck Jonathan suddenly turned to become a great leader or is there something Obasanjo is not telling Nigerians. Honestly politics is a terrible game, that is why we have always been advising majority of the Nigerian voters who would like to hear or listen concerning this subject to be very careful on who they are supporting and want to die for. Most politicians are not who you think they are and as you are supporting any of them, always know that he or she can make U-turn at anytime which may lead to the unthinkable because most of them are not trustworthy. They only need you (the poor and innocent ones) to achieve their goals, we shall emphasize more on this topic in our future article. In our opinion, the issue of ex-president Goodluck Jonathan being a good leader, this is not an issue at all because he is not. If he was a good leader, why did he allow the economy of Nigeria to be ruined? Under his leadership, Nigerian treasury became ATM machine where most P.D.P members would go and withdraw money as they wished without control while the ordinary people of Nigeria were left in abject poverty. No good leader does a thing like that and the surprising aspect was that during ex-president Goodluck Jonathan’s administration, most projects were commissioned and huge sum of money earmarked for those projects but instead of executing them, they allegedly turned around and collected that same money which was budgeted for that venture and shared among themselves thereby abandoning the project. No good leader does that for his country. It is only when president Buhari and his government came to power that they started working on those abandoned projects which need to be worked on. Second Niger bridge is one such example and many more across the country (Nigeria). In most cases money meant to execute some projects were allegedly shared before work began under ex-president Goodluck Jonathan’s administration which was bad and no good leader does that. Therefore ex-president Goodluck Jonathan based on our assessment lacks the knowledge and leadership capability. Even in his own community, nothing was done there. It was president Buhari and his government that gave the community most needed amenities they are enjoying today, no good leader does that therefore we are appealing to Nigerian voters to be wise and ask questions before casting their votes because very soon Nigerian politicians would be knocking at your door promising to give you heaven and earth if you vote for them. The moment you vote them into office, you will not see them anymore.The essence of this article is to create awareness among voters, please cast your ballot for someone based on his past records. We are not saying that the person would be one hundred percent sure of doing all his campaign promises but he would probably do better than those corrupt ones we already know their tricks. However a forum would be created before next election which would give Nigerian voters the opportunity to make a good decision on who to vote for. Do not use sentiment as a yardstick to vote for any candidate because he or she may not look your way if such candidate is voted to power. Be wise and watchful, the decision is yours to make and that is why voters will always remain the kingmakers in a democratic system of government.
Source: Viewers Corner News.