In the mist of economic hardship, Nigerian lawmakers are allegedly proposing the immediate purchase of presidential jets for President Bola Tinubu and Vice President Shettima.

It is so surprising to hear that lawmakers in Nigeria are proposing an immediate purchase of presidential jets for President Bola Tinubu and his vice president, Alhaji Kashim Shettima. If the economy is doing well, that should not be a problem. But as it is now, the economy of Nigeria is at a zero point. Workers are demanding a living wage from the government of Nigeria, and they are told that they can only pay sixty thousand naira because the economy of Nigeria is not growing as expected. But they are proposing to buy jets for the president and his vice president. Our point is that the government of Nigeria does not need jets at this point. There are so many areas of need that should be looked into by the government of Nigeria to make it work better before buying jets. Again, we plead with the government of Nigeria to fix those escort vehicles and motorbikes that the president of Nigeria and other senior government officials are using so that issues of vehicles and motorbikes breaking down can be avoided, especially when an important occasion is being held in the country. We are saying so because on the recent celebration of Nigeria’s democracy day, the whole world saw a presidential motorbike get spoiled and could not move when the occasion was ongoing. Such areas should be fixed to avoid such embarrassment from happening in the future.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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