Nigerian youths

If the youths of Nigeria and others with good intentions for the country do not come out to challenge these corrupt politicians in Nigeria, a more painful situation may arise.

The recklessness and the rascality of the leadership of Nigeria should be a concern to Nigerians both at home and abroad. The ways the government of Nigeria is borrowing and spending money are getting out of hand. They are using Nigeria’s resources, including the untapped ones as collateral to get loans from the IMF and World Bank, including other financial institutions in the world which is bad. This is not the best way to run a country and achieve steady growth. Recently, it was alleged that a Chinese firm is planning to auction Nigeria’s house in the United Kingdom so that they can be able to get back the money Nigeria owes them. This is so belittling to a country like Nigeria. We also believe that, if Nigerians had elected a person who knows how government policies work, they would not have been talking about these issues of recklessness and wasteful spending of the government of Nigeria. Again, we are appealing to President Bola Tinubu’s government to devise another strategy that would enable him to bring prosperity to the economy of Nigeria, which would in the end pull Nigerians out of poverty because things are getting out of hand in the country.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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