Hard Talk; Civilization, freedom and then Democracy are all in one which the advance nations of the world have shown maturity to and are following very nicely to better the lives of their citizens. This is one aspect that makes them very advanced. They handle this system so well which also means respecting the rule of law because democracy can not function very effectively without the rule of law being respected and obeyed. But in Nigeria, what we have just described above is the opposite of what is happening there. The Nigerian judiciary which is supposed to be the power house of the country (Nigeria) has sold her conscience to the devil and needs deliverance. We (Viewers Corner News team) have it on record where some Nigerian judges have been compromised and taken to court but were later freed by their colleagues and at the same time, those corrupt judges are still deliberating on national issues rather than rebuking them or make them pay a price for betraying the country (Nigeria). Look at tribunal chairmen in Nigeria who would see white and call it black because they have received an alert in their various bank accounts. Look at those individuals on bail in Nigeria, they flaunt their bail conditions with impunity. Normally under this situation, such group of people should be returned to the prison but some corrupt lawyers and judges are defending them because they have allegedly gotten alerts in their various bank accounts. It is also on record that most Nigerian governors would steal trillions of money from the state treasury, use part of it to get justice and pocket the rest while the people of their states who the money was meant for can barely eat well. This is complete wickedness and should be condemned. We (Viewers Corner News team) can go on and on to describe the terrible situations in the country (Nigeria). Again some Nigerians are also not helping matters, once an individual is getting something good from those in power, then he or she does not care about the welfare of others. This attitude does not show maturity and respect for humanity. Somehow as one united country, both the government and other wealthy Nigerians should carry everyone along and by doing so poverty would be controlled or eradicated. This is another aspect of running a healthy democratic system of government which should be practised. Sincerely dictatorship or military government may not be the best form of government but one thing is certain under such regime which is security to some extent would be guaranteed in the country (Nigeria) and those politicians who turned billionaires within few months of being elected to various offices would not be there. Those money they stole to become billionaires are meant for the people of the country (Nigeria) which should have been used nicely to create better conditions for them but were stolen massively without any second thought by corrupt Nigerian politicians. Military regime steal too but not like what we have seen in the past being practised by Nigerian politicians. Having said all these, we (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) still believe in the power of democracy because it is the government of the people but then we are appealing to president Buhari’s government to apply the laws of the land (Nigeria) when people break them because for any country to move forward, law and order must be respected and obeyed despite the status of the person or persons in the country (Nigeria). This is the only way a healthy democratic system of government can be achieved. President Buhari’s administration is doing its best to make Nigeria great but there are lots of elements trying to bring the efforts of his government backward. Please identify these obstacles and find ways to get the situation solved so that Nigeria can get peace and move forward. The country (Nigeria) shall remain one united family, therefore Nigerians both home and abroad should kindly pray for that at all times.
Source: Viewers Corner News.