The Nigerian former military head of states, General Yakubu Gowon in our (Viewers Corner News and the Advisory team) interpretation of his statement sometime ago on issues of corruption in Nigeria alleged that since the country (Nigeria) gained her independent from Britain in 1960, every government that came and gone had some elements of corruption attached to that particular government into stealing from the treasury of Nigeria and through various contracts awarded to companies both in Nigeria and abroad to build infrastructures in the country (Nigeria) which is correct but during that period, there were lots of beautiful economic activities going on in the country (Nigeria) and Nigerians were not hungry but then that was when those in power including the military which led Nigeria far back would have correctly championed a good cause for the country (Nigeria) if they had foresight. The point we (Viewers Corner News team) are making here is that when democracy finally came to stay in Nigeria without the interruption of the Nigerian military, those democratically elected leaders based on the information available to them on how developed countries of the world made it to greatness should have been their guide into making Nigeria great, meaning that those elected leaders in the past should have worked out an economic package which would benefit her citizens properly which they never did. When ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo was elected, every one expected him to get things done the right way which he never did. Even when he (Olusegun Obasanjo) knew that those before him had lots of money stolen from the treasury of Nigeria and sent abroad for their own selfish interest, he could not do much to get the money back to Nigeria. Electricity under ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo’s government was a failure. Look at some African countries today, light is constant but in Nigeria such facility is zero which is bad and when another government led by ex-president Goodluck Jonathan of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of Nigeria came to power, instead of putting things right corruption became their game plan and billions of money was looted by them from the treasury of Nigeria which almost led to the collapse of the economy of Nigeria. If president Buhari did not come to rescue the country (Nigeria) when he did, by now Nigeria would be singing a different tune. We (Viewers Corner News team) are not saying that president Buhari’s government is completely free from corruption NO, the point we are making is that president Buhari as a leader is not corrupt and when a country has a leader in power that is not corrupt, he would be able to put things right. This is also the views of other world leaders in the advance countries which is the truth. In the past, what Nigerians heard on daily basis was that politicians are very corrupt but they could not pin point a particular individual among those politicians who looted the treasury of Nigeria but since president Buhari came to power, the story has changed. Everyone both home and abroad now know who looted the treasury of Nigeria which is a great achievement for president Buhari and his government. At this point, even if any government official is going to steal money from the treasury of the country (Nigeria), it would not be done with impunity because if anyone is caught, a price would be paid for doing so which is nice. However, we (Viewers Corner News team) believe that with the awareness president Buhari’s administration has created so far in Nigeria, whoever that would take over from him after his second tenure shall continue from where he stopped and get things done the right way.

Source: Viewers Corner News.